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Return to restricted play

General Guidance 

Use of the green will be restricted to “Roll Ups” either individually or as a singles game with one other person.


Up to a maximum of three rinks only will be used at any one time. Alternate rinks will be left free from play. i.e. rinks used 1-3-5, or 2-4-6.


There will be no more than a maximum of 6 people on the green at any one time.


No spectators will be allowed unless counting as one of the permissible bowlers.


In order to manage this it will be necessary to book the use of the green in advance - see booking rules below.

Rinks will be allocated on a two hourly basis but play will only be permissible for a maximum of one and a half hours. 30 minutes will be allowed for the cleaning of all equipment used and handles, locks and other surfaces likely to have been touched by players. It will allow time for players to leave before an overlap with incoming players for the next session.



Club Facilities


The equipment shed will not be open.


The Gents (Home) changing room will be open only for access to a minimum number of mats and jacks and also for access to the toilet for use by both men and ladies.


The Ladies (Away) changing room will remain closed.


The chilled water dispenser will be unavailable.


Players should bring their own refreshments and a bag to take home any empties or rubbish.  Green-side litter bins will be sealed and unavailable.


Strictly No Smoking on the green or surrounds.


Unless from the same household, social distancing of a minimum of 2 metres must be maintained at all times between all individuals.



Booking Procedure


Rinks must be booked in advance by telephoning the Club Secretary, Robert Sharpe on 01295 257495.


Time slots for play

  • Monday to Saturday  - 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm;  4:00 pm to 5:30pm

  • Wednesday and Thursday only - 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm


Players should arrive no earlier than ten minutes before the beginning of their session.

This facility will be available for current bowling members only. (2019/20 membership)




Rules For Play


On arrival please first check that the previous sanitation procedure has been completed by checking the Sign Off Sheet.


  • No more than two persons per rink.

  • Two mats to be used, one at each end of the rink.

  • Two jacks to be used, one at each end of the rink.

  • Only one of the two players is to touch the mats and jacks. Jacks must be set, not bowled.

  • Players must have no contact with any other player’s bowls. There will be no measuring or chalking of touchers.

  • Unless from the same household, maintain social distancing throughout the duration of the visit.

  • There will be no charge to members for using the green



Additional information


In the interests of both yourself and other club members we urge you to fully observe the rules set out here.


If you are suffering cold or flu-like symptoms or high temperature DO NOT come to the green.  If you feel unwell within a few days after playing on the green please inform the Club Secretary as soon as possible so that other players from your session can be contacted.


Government advice for the over 70’s is still to remain at home as much as possible.


We intend to leave it to individual members to decide what is best for them. However, we strongly advise anyone who has been told by the NHS or their GP to shield themselves to continue to do so until further guidance is issued.


Print a copy of this guidance



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